Easy going, looking for nsa with a hot, fun woman. Xxx sex club in Hopkinsville. Looking for big pussy

Otherwise, I've been club Hopkinsville settling for meeting for a single night and seeing if you're still interested afterwards. Not looking for a relationship but looking for consistency.

Handsome, a little older, friendly, charismatic, funny, sexy, respectful.
I can be dominant if need be.

Loves a nice meal out drinks, hotels. Super lightweight when it comes to liquor. I am a very open guy. Im not looking to be someones teacher, therefore I prefer you know how to please a woman and enjoys doing it. I love to go out and have a bit of fun before going back to your place for some fun. Hermafadites fucking old men. Thank you for checking out my profile.

5 ft 10 135 lb brown eyes brown hair athletic humorous entertaining flexible versatile style posture appearance hygiene health courteous kind cordial focused listener attention to detail. Looking for something ongoing with the right person. Free thinker, creative, kind yet stern, adventurous , understanding with knowledge in bdsm. But never taken it further then a dunken kiss. As long as they are fem and sexy. Big blacwomen sex. I love to eat pussy and ass also interested in trying new things meeting different people.

Implying it was another man's and not his own to more howls. I'm 43 I'm honest and like to tell it how it is I love shopping movies swimming camping I'm a outdoor person I like fishing going.for.drives I'm pretty much up for anything new and adventurous I'm very family oriented love spending time with them I'm a good hearted person and I like to laugh, exercise, swimm, cook , going to the beach, movies shopping.

I'm a gentleman, always, and my Golden Rule is, "Do unto others as they would have you do unto them," because I am a basic member.
Hot girls in Forsyth, GA. I have no problem getting laid.

As long as you can hold a conversation. Eats cum without knowing. Currently looking for a playmate that wants to be involved with both me and my man. I'm an easy going and honest guy.

I enjoy spending time with my friends, going out for meals, go to the cinema.
I like line dance also. Chill and down to earth without the drama!
5'5 120lbs. Easy going laid back guy looking for friends an maybe more.

Our ideal person would be someone who is looking to explore themselves and others like me. I want to challange you right here.

We want to meet people especially women who are open to being in poly relationships or friends with benefits.

Someone who is honest, open and to the point. I'm hoping to find couples and singles who are comfortable in their skin,..who know who they are(the good and the bad)and recognize their flaws, yet are unashamed (and not afraid to show) of the quirky, sometimes contradictory, eccentric aspects of their personality that define their individuality. Honestly If your interested even a little bit just message me and I will tell you more based on the situation.
Someone who isn't boringly normal.
I take my time and enjoy trying new things. I don't like to fool other's or play head games.