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Recently single 5'10 Sex positive Looking for a short term or long term thing. Looking for a little discrete fun.
I'm looking for a partner, Someone who knows how to ride, Without even falling off.. Im a late 50s bi male.

Just want to get judgment, all extremely discreet..hit me up and lets see how many times we can nut.. Just ua average kiwi bloke looking for a good time. Something fun and easy, an escape for the both of us from lifes many stressors. I love to laugh and be creative.

Message me if you want to know even more. I lOVE fUCKKING GIRLS ONLY TALK IF YOU WON'T TO HAVE SEX WITH ME. Secret swinger mom sex. But I thought I'll give it a try. We can chat then go from there.

But I feel that I am ready to carry my female role, creating this comfort at home, and enjoying the fact that my man will be my breadwinner and protector.

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Really just looking for a good time. Im Asshantiy. Fun, outgoing. I like golf movies camping and being outdoors.

To meet new people and new friends. Ol mit masaji. I prefer a man taller than me and overall just bigger than i am as well as older.

I spent 20 years in the Army so I am well disciplined and can cook and clean. Someone who is special.. I am a very sexual woman and I am looking for a funny, spontaneous gal who would be willing to teach and educate me on the way things are played. Someone that's honest and knows what they are doing and can make me cum, and if you got a big one and hit it right, I will squirt all over you.

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Down to be fwb or one night stand.
Someone who doesn't take themselves too seriously. Suddenly alone.. I want to find a man who will show me love and attention while also being discreet.
Don't want to be on my death bed and say I wished I had met her or her and her hubby!
Intense, free, smart, sure, confident, clean and discreet.

Divorced men or widowers are especially welcome. Someone warm and affectionate and looking to share that knowledge with someone else. Love to have nsa fun.

The journey getting there is the funnest part to us.
I take my time and enjoy trying new things. I don't like to fool other's or play head games.