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Past experiences were mediocre tbh, but I know it can feel great. People who are creative and adventurous in bed; intelligent people who I could talk to before & after without wanting to shut them up; inexperienced girls who want to be shown the ropes; experienced girls/guys who thinks they can show ME a trick or two. Men keep asking if im submissive,yes i am ! im at the point in this site, that men think i have no feelings and im just a peice of meet begging for sex, well im not, im not sending tons of dirty pictures , im not calling you so you can do what ever it is that gets you men off, stop asking for my phone number so you can call me daddy if you please I'm easygoing, I like to have fun and enjoy life all while being safe. Open to transman. Naked women in Flagstaff, Arizona.

I am reasonably active and enjoy walking, the bush, cycling, action movies, art galleries and also V8 Supercars!! My wife knows about this and is ok with it but would not be involved......... FWB or one time NSA welcome! Looking for someone to spend time with.. I'm unhappily married, we have just grown apart and have lost that spark. I'm into vibrating toys and like my Bum teased and toyed.

No strings attached - hot chav.Not into "sex" - yea, I like to suck the occasional lad, but I'm more about fetishes - feet, armpits, sportswear, sporty lads, white socks, underwear - and loads more. I've been single now for 3 yrs. Swinger having sex with giral friend fucking. NO BULLSHIT PLEASE. ( 5'10 or taller).

I am Liam, I'm 23 years old and looking for someone to share some fun adventures with in and out of bed. IYKYK.NOT INTERESTED IN FLAKEY FUCK BOYS!.Please be somewhat local and able to host in some form or fashion - and NOT in your car!!! Outgoing twink looking for the same.

Any single females out there looking to experience a swingers lifestyle with a handsome, respectful man, please let me know. Cheating wives Mount Pleasant, NC. He will treat me just as well as I will treat him. I'm a student will be studying at the art instuite of portland as a graphic design major. Hi, Im a Fun, out going, adventurous and living life to the fullest, and in chasing the things that bring us happiness. People that agree that, you should probably at least be able to hold a conversation when taking a breather from sex and enjoy it. Loving and living the best life possible.

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Enjoy Aiken, SC exploring and sharing, not interested in bi, trans, or couples at all, MEN only! Just looking for someone that can carry on a conversation.

Just looking to have fun and forget all about her. I'm too old for this self selling profile lark.

I am willing to meet and see where it takes us. I spend my free time on walks, meeting with friends, shopping, time with my family. Couple looking for wife for threesome party.

I am also very passionate, sensual, and respectful. A massive part of the experience is the foreplay for me, certainly not all about sticking the dick in.. Just checking things out! A free spirited lady looking for a companion for dates out.

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Recently just had a long term relationship breakup and now I'm left hornier than ever. Attached male looking to add a little spice in my vanilla life! Intelligent, fun, adventurous, drama free, extremely open sexually, kinky, well hung, long lasting and DD free. Hey there, I'm new to this and not sure where to start but looking for a real meet - pub, restaurant, whatever. Looking for Single men preferably bi although that is not required as long as the man does not have a lot of pictures and it is only because I am unsure about which ones to upload. Someone who enjoys the fun things in life, but also has that hidden freak for the bedroom.
I take my time and enjoy trying new things. I don't like to fool other's or play head games.