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Was married and been single for 2 years now. I am a laid-back down to earth honest guy just looking to explore and have a good time. I can be intense, but I also love sensual and romantic interactions.

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I love soft beautiful women and I love being with them. I have limited opportunities. Single guy looking for fun and more. Someone open understanding, respectful, willing to take the time to get to know someone as sex is best when a connection is made both physically and mentally. One that likes to be topped and maybe can top also. And no acceptance for inconsideration there is entire world out there that revolves around no man.

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If you'd like to find out more about me when you meet Vina.

Send me a video instead of you reading from an actual book, out loud.....so I know you're not a one dimensional fuckhead......... Thank you for taking the time to look in here. I'm fun polite cd looking for tops I'm hosting. Honestly been way too long since ive gotten to fuck. Always female Illinois with respect! I love gaming, horror movies and music. Wanna fuck in Poughkeepsie, NY.

A FWB would be great but I also like dealing with married women. One night stands can be fun, but always looking for that perfect girl for a longer term relationship and friendship. Even female in Illinois if your significant other says it's ok, I still am NOT interested. Nude girls of Tunica. Fun, out going, fairly new to this and would like to explore.

I am changing my profile because I have obviously been fooling myself. Outgoing, love all sports, fishing, hunting , and good times!

I'm looking for NSA relationship that is a bit about me. This site has an odd quirk that it sends notices to people that someone checked out your profile when they didn't, so if you get a message that I viewed you...I didn't.
I take my time and enjoy trying new things. I don't like to fool other's or play head games.