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I've already graduated from college, only work three times a week, and I would like my lover to be my friend also. If you like or have similar desires and want to find out or not! I am here to meet my soul mate.

I figure the physical side of it would be the easiest to start with, so here I am. But still don't feel as if I'm truly myself. Personal sex ads Minot, ND. I need pussy to eat and make cum repeatedly. Anyone, as long as you're cute but also older couples (35+) to share me and teach some new tricks. Finally free of a 13 year toxic relationship so its time to get out there and see what happens. Are you a giver more than a receiver?

Another topic I find myself constantly discussing is food. I would love to start a FWB relationship with women of any age, colour or size. Looking to hook up tonight please :).

Interested to meet with romantically fun loving ladies to have erotic fun ,....are you the woman..message me..

I'm pretty much down for whatever so hopefully they are too. I am looking for beautiful Flowery Branch, Georgia women, couples , hot wives near London.

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We can create realistic fantasy experiences from simple tactile sensations to elaborate role-play scenes. But am enjoying the hunt.

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I take my time and enjoy trying new things. I don't like to fool other's or play head games.