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Please dont be weird to me.

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A great personality, honest, very caring and sensuous. Love's books and sex and partying !! I'm OK with a bit of extra insulation.

No stings attached. I have trained subs, Doms and couples previously. Anyone is welcome.

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NOTE: Thank you 'seasoned citizens' but i'm not interested but best of luck to you !. Ideal...What does that really mean..This should probably say wish list. I hate to keep people waiting.

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Looking to get back into things. Looking for a third or forth to fulfill the wife's continuing sexual desire to pleasure and be pleasured by others. Business women pursuing a balance between career and family.

Some very enjoyable physical and sensual massage. UPDATE, Also, No offense, but I am really not into BBW girls. If you are not turned on by the idea of sucking cock and topping him as part of the scene with the two of us, this isn't a match for you.

I'm loyal fun kinda go with the flow and never put another person down. Im 41, 5'7", 145 lbs. I am open to meeting anyone who is in good shape. I m also a t gurl in training , im smooth except arms and legs.

A nice lady who likes what I like.

I am a builder and part time photographer I love going to the gym, playing games and chilling with people.

Any race, build considered... Preference tends to lean towards older women but age is not a problem , Or might b 4 u ?

Bumping uglies, knocking boots, horizontal refreshment, porking, and in general just meeting people and enjoying life! I'm not Champaign, IL into anything too kinky - I'm more sensual, I love to kiss, touch and feel. My Ideal Person should be open minded, available, flexible and communicative. Any girls that are local I would prefer, fwb or one night if thats all youre looking for. Men looking for guys in Charlotte, North Carolina free.

Because of my job, my pictures are private but of course I have faults and make mistakes, thanks for reading if you made it this far! Find a strong man to fuck in Wilkes County fucking. He certainly will go out of his way to make me happy as I feel I have missed out on a lot of life experiences, and am well-read. Ok so i will be honest and say that I have never been with a woman but I'm open to any offers.
I take my time and enjoy trying new things. I don't like to fool other's or play head games.