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I am a very cheerful woman, I have a nice smile and makes me laugh all the time We would love to meet and go out for dinner or let's find what we are comfy with to see of Southern Illinois if we connect before your partner gets involved..

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I don't smoke but social drink.

My studio is sanitized, peaceful and serene; it is dimly lit with flameless candles; there is soft music; and aroma therapy included in every session. New sex chiens. Fellatio ignites me so if you're not the type that enjoys the art of Southern Illinois of oral sex don't bother. I want him to be a good listener.

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The best steaks in Delaware are off my grill and not at any steakhouse around. I'm a laid back, yet confident/assertive guy. Adult swingers in Southern Oregon. Would like my male friend to be involved as I trust and enjoy his generous sexual nature.
MFM's are my favorite but I am wide open to other activities. You come in (or I go to you) you unzip, I blow you, you shoot your load in my mouth and then we're done.

I'd love to connect with a mature female for some fun or a FWB. Willing to meet for in person conversation, Tea or Coffee chat first, or drinks, whatever your comfort level is. I like to make people laugh even if its at my own expense Lol......So if youre still interested jus message me!!!!! She's smart, smartassed, funny, and doesn't let life's little hiccups get to her.

Someone who's fun and drama free. Hoping to find where I fit and looking forward to some fun adventures:-).

I can keep a secret if you can. I'm looking for a couple up for some fun!!! , i am looking for someone appreciate love.

If you'd like to know more, just ask. I'm 55 live in Evansville Indiana looking for ladies to have some fun with , whether that's ons or a nice evening out. Curiosity got the best of me. Someone who is looking for a single man. Here for: something casual but eventually real and not just virtual and online.

I am looking for someone like myself.

Looking to have casual hook ups from time to time. Message me if your horny. But as a single woman its just too expensive to make ends meet. Time for fun! First let me say I tend to send out a lot of Flirts. I prefer non smokers and non drug users..

I am happily married and He is and will always be my Number 1. Is my idea of a great time.Oh here I go talking dirty again, Mistress might have to punish me, he,he..
I take my time and enjoy trying new things. I don't like to fool other's or play head games.