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Looking for anything but Justice, IL monogamy.... Well, one can dream, and that's all it is. I had a couple of great experiences with women, couples and TS girls. Well hi there im newly single and very lonley looking for a women who i can have fun with and see where it goes :).

Although I cannot speak verbally, I can communicate effectively through text. Last time I checked this was America, so Justice, IL you do you.

It make me really honey to see the person i'm with enjoying me pleasuring them. I am looking for a gay or straight male to occasionally hang-out, and become friends. Just want to meet people and hang out, have some fun. I am not the best chef but I love cooking and trying new dishes (I can make a couple good things but need a recipe for most others). I love to learn and experience new things.

If you take care of yourself and want to have some fun, anyone want to entertain me? Fishing and camping, nature's sweet call, Among tall trees, I proudly stand tall. Looking to meet new people or quick hookups. Someone who is not afraid to make a suggestion/move if that is what she is feeling.

Pretty adventurous. Fun loving, easy going and a great sense of adventure for sexual fun, funny how we think about what we really want..then when it is thrown in our face we either swim or drown. Hi there I'm funny , passionate and creative I like to cook watch movies and read books anything outdoors also excites me. I am a giver and like pleasing whomever i am with.

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Looking to meet people and have some adult fun.

I really want to be with another woman..Im clean and have never done this. But I'm really laid back, easy going. Would love to join a couple, but all are welcome! I am a bi married guy. Reach out to see if we click to possibly meet up.

Scheduling on this end can be difficult but if the connection is right. I work at walmart i am a nice and good looking lady, the best choice of any wonderful man, I am adventurous, I love outdoors, I am humble, independent, hardworking. And can be discreet.

THAT SAID I AM LOOKING FOR A RELATIONSHIP!!!!!! Crazy hot Justice, IL freaky fun in the bedroom and be interested in exploring all variety of new experiences. I am Dave 57 yrs young and and I am ready to start living life to the fullest.
I take my time and enjoy trying new things. I don't like to fool other's or play head games.