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Only select SINGLE MEN who are mature,polite,a class act will be allowed to join or attend SAP functions. Standard member, cannot message or chat here. SHE'S BACK After a 21z2 year hiatus Covid has brought us back together so we are looking for bi men and couples for us as a couple. I am here to look for some great fun.
A man who knows himself and does not strive to change others. Chill, laid-back, open minded, takes shit serious, nothing serious it can be fwb one night stand or whatever as long as there is a connection between us.

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Overall, I'm a genuine, down-to-earth guy who values authenticity, open-mindedness, and kindness. I'm looking fr a lover and a friend to someone one that I can love and can be my friend when I call them fr something. Lot of men heart nude.
I've been in an open relationship for 4 years. Meet someone, both get the best of each other.

I will not be renewing my membership since all i receive is messages from people hundreds of miles away and it does not seem like my local area has many people on here. Also very interested in other dressers who enjoy a sub sissy like me.

Discrete, I may be single but the world doesn't need to know who I'm fucking. I don't know that I have one.

And Ultimately I seek:.A woman seeking a real serious, long term relationship. I do enjoy both women, men, and trans/cds. I'm a straight male looking for someone 30's-50's that is fit and not too far away.

I also enjoy horseback riding and motorcycles. I'm the in Utica, NY Bait who commands one's attention! Mature lady that is bossy dominant knows what she want's a sub for maybe mistress. Married BBW, looking for an organic, quality connection. Find women in Tuscaloosa who want a sexual partner.

I am also open to being a bottom for men. No catfishers. Please read and be serious about play. I would love to find an lady in her 30's to 70's with "D" or "DD+" cups that cant get enough oral sex to really satisfy her. Don't have any limits,,I'm very respectable. Is there anyone who really meet here DON'T BE RUDE PLEASE REPLY.

Casual only, not looking for anyone in particular. Fat women nude. If we click just kicking it for awhile, then that will extend into the bedroom for sure. Both bi and looking for hot bi experiences.
I take my time and enjoy trying new things. I don't like to fool other's or play head games.