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I'm open minded, enjoyed swinger lifestyle in the past but solo these days so I'm currently looking for in Weatherford, TX men or women for a threesome. Women in Sudbury. I love nice legs,thigh high stockings and nice shoes. Im 39 years old, I'm 5'3" 120 lbs, 34B and am very oral and have few limits. Expect the Same from Others! If you'd like to know more, drop us a line :).

Would love to meet someone to have great conversations with. I am looking for an equally positive real mature partner who loves to try new experiences and is a great and open communicator. I am looking to meet another woman that would like to be treated.I'm into and enjoy most things to do with women in Weatherford, TX more the better. I love to please and will got to all lengths to make sure other are pleased before me that's my main priority I love oral I can do it for hours looking for fun singles and couples PLEASE USE THE IM AND MESSAGE not gold member at this time kick countrytuff12. I'm drama free and just looking to have a bit of fun.

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We are drama free and experienced in 3some and 4 some situations.
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Someone that takes there time in getting to know someone. Seeking female friends or couples for adventure and fun. Im looking for attractive mature women.

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I really miss human touch and to make others feel good. Let' s do this. Sexing & fucking.

Fun and Enthusiastic Play partner. Hi my name is Chris I am looking for fun and relaxation. If you enjoyed glancing through my profile you can personal reach me on G mail as estinahoffmann. If you have free time (especially during the mornings/afternoons) and you just want to hook up have some fun and make some bad choices with ;).

Im new to this lifestyle. No drama queens please, just in Weatherford, TX live, laugh, and love.
I take my time and enjoy trying new things. I don't like to fool other's or play head games.