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It's been a really busy summer, time to have some fun again!

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I am careful in everything I do and I am optimistic person. Live fuce women. I'm Ailyn Knoxville and i'm very chill, generally a happy person, cheerful confident and open minded.

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If you are a ~real~ person/couple in the Chicagoland area looking for other kinky folks, whether for play or building friendships in the local community, then I would like to hear from them. We only get one shot at this life and I'm not about to waste it on negativity!

All to which kinky activities are enjoyable. Im not the biggest but im not small ether. Just looking to see what this website brings. Just looking to decompress and see where this takes me.

Prefer you be in canada but have met women from the states too. Clean and in shape kind and respectful to all, LKN for the same for NSA play. Looking for like minded people that I can hang out with, maybe explore new restaurants and bars I've never been to. So be it whatever we do I hope we can enjoy ourselves. Pure fun. I have always felt a bit 'different' and don't follow the crowd. Hubbie watches husband.

Looking for no strings attached relationship. I'm looking for long term relationship to lead marriege.

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I take my time and enjoy trying new things. I don't like to fool other's or play head games.