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We enjoymoviescookoutsboatingmotorcycles Normal people looking for friends maybe hanging out. Girls and whoman sex!!! Got membership that allows standard members to send me messages, so don't hesitate. I don't have a lot of experience(yet), so I can't really say much about my self but i had join here looking for an LTR/ marriage with one.

I am notorious for dating Gothic, Indi, Industrial guys. A fun,nice and caring person. Cloud, FL nude girls.

Looking to make new friends (with benefits if chemistry is right). Easy, outgoing,shy, love to find someone who appreciates the little things in life and doesn't take everything so seriously. I want to find a real person who likes to have fun and enjoys a good time. I've about got my red pasta sauce just right. I like boats, fine wine and a gentleman with a good sense of humor, positive, reliable, unselfish, responsive and open-minded.

Hi Not really sure what to put here either. Divorced about 2 years ago. Yall not talking about anything. I would mostly enjoy her to be Top, or Vers-Top.

I will give him all my tenderness, love and warmth of my body against another during lovemaking.

I am trained in tantric sex and like foreplay. I know its cheating but no ones perfect.

I'm a straight, easy going man who enjoys the company of a lady in the streets as well as the LifeStyle. I'm looking for a woman I can show my finely tuned skills to and have a fun time with. My ideal person would be female age not to much of an issue but would prefer a bbw, hairy pussy would be nice but I have no problems getting and keeping an erection. Swingers club George West, Texas swinger with home things. Would love to hear back from you! Im not looking for a LTR or just a one time fuck. Looking for women and couples who would like some fun with an older woman I got my own shit lets have fun.

But I like to think woman in WV I'm a quick learner. Looking for romance and someone that will do fun outdoor stuff with me like hiking, going to the zoo, lake, six flags, hurricane harbor, tennis, maybe an occasional out of town trip to the casino or beach!

Im openminded, sensitive, truthful, passionate, with a great sense of humor ,responsible and serious when I have to be.I like music, traveling, meeting people and all.
I'm new to this site and don't even know exactly what I'm looking for, but I need something. Age, height and size arent that important to me must be an attraction.

So if you tell me that you are honest about your situation/what you're looking for woman WV upfront. Bored, nobody reads this crap anyway.

So please respect that and don't message me.
I have more pictures if you need to have your friends watch us fuck to make sure I'm a good guy, I'm OK with that 5.

Some that shares 420. Oh and I have a very southern accent:).
On here to see whats up.
I take my time and enjoy trying new things. I don't like to fool other's or play head games.