Clean, honest, safe, condom ok, no diseases of any kind, vaccinated. Mature women in Taylor, MI. Ass fuck hole mature woman

I consider myself to be stra8 with ability to share same sex activity when needed. Must also want to be friends and do stuff together: go to a movie, get and give advice, grab lunch or dinner, etc..Women: any height, be comfortable naked, have a great sense of humour but often erring into dad joke terrority.

I am 39 yrs old, married with 4. Vaal selfpic girls. Bi curious! Clean, outgoing, discreet, adventurous, someone who can respect me. Looks and age is not as important as animal lust ! Big dicks please I'm down for video pleasure dick up my cunt Iye.

Let's meet for drinks/dinner, and see how it will lead us to. Nude girls hunting men!!! Easy going open minded looking for a female to join us or an attractive couple. I'm a fun person who loves to laugh and give to others. Looking for a chick or couple have a good time with. But I like my work.

Haven't been on here in a while, so starting fresh. We are a happily married couple looking to expand our experiences.
I am a BBW who is a sweet, caring person. Moved to the area during the pandemic for work, looking now that things are starting to ease up to get out there and meet new people and see what happens.

I would like to join you at a xxx theater or something similar. Otherwise, I'm attracted to masculine men and would love to meet and make an encounter to remember. I'm wanting real life. Looking for steady fwb in our in Taylor, MI area for regular meets and/or travels.

If your profile is vague or lacking a secondary or tertiary photo, I'm not gonna take your contact serious. Flings are fun but knowing what a partner wants always makes everything so much hotter... Realistically, I am looking for someone who can help provide me with an extra boost to help me get on my feet as I start my adventure into the real world, if ya catch my drift. I am a pretty active guy. We've just opened up and I am dating solo for now. I am a natural strawberry blond with blue greed eyes.

I love to cook so i prefer non-picky eaters. I am older but have a very healthy sex drive ( one of the main reasons for the divorce). Meet Me In the Russia Chat Room. 6'2" tall, 180 lbs, bisexual, 81/2 to 9" cut, versital and love group sex..I prefer group sex, but wouldn't mind trying it with another (woman) in the room..One-on-one sex does interest me and would like to meet someone special. Wana know enything more.
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I am fully loaded Taylor, MI and ready to explode. I would love to get back into the swing of things. I am a fun guy, can be shy initially as I dont open up easily. Very str8 foward kinda guy Not into bs or pic= no chat/ignored (If I'm interested I'll send a reply). Fisting and breeding bottom I am a bottom, love to go down on a man or woman, great kisser. Big cuming pussies.

Do expect people to be in reasonble I LOVE to swim, and I long to kiss my true love deep underwater. Most of my friends say I am fun, outgoing person who is open minded to new things. I am looking for someone who can challenge me. I would like to meet women couples men and TS who would enjoy friendship and a discreet relationship with a single or married woman an open relationship or cheating on there significant other. Good conversation, good sense of humor and very respectful.

I am not interested. Message me and lets talk, see what kinky things come up.
I take my time and enjoy trying new things. I don't like to fool other's or play head games.