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We love to spend time outdoors fishing camping. Beyond the power dynamic, control, and trust essential to D/s, I also enjoy light bondage, discipline and much more.

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That's all really. Im fun nice not so nice when the time is right. If you're looking for more of a date Bismarck where we get to the edge of cumming until we can't take it anymore.
I would consider myself a fairly fun guy, enjoy going out for a couple of drinks and someone to share them with, bbq's, evenings at home on the lounge with a good dvd or a night dining out an some of Mackay's great restaraunts.

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Black BBW, with a curry -athletic frame interested in an ongoing Feb. Im a seperated.an that is looking to fill a void that is missin.

I'm a very laid back person who enjoys her down time. Someone or a couple that is drama free and just loves to get together for dinner, happy hour and just some pool time followed up with some fun it the vibe is good.
It would be nice to find somebody to have fun with.
I take my time and enjoy trying new things. I don't like to fool other's or play head games.