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Im not being picky im just being honest. I think it would be fun.

Promise I'll spoil you. Look me over My Ideal Person I am looking for someone who is open to exploring our wildest fantasies together..Also interested in people as well that are into experimenting with fetish play as well..Good personality and playfulness a must as well.

I have no ideal person Hazel Green, Alabama per-say let's talk and see if we can turn a fling into a thing.

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Very open minded looking for a good time. The only taboos I have in the bedroom is that I can't hurt a woman nor have any type Hazel Green, Alabama of sexual interaction with a man unless its about please the lady.

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Tired of bars and drug scene. I do not want to hook up I want to chat and maybe more. To show you actually read my entire ad, please start off your initial response with: "Hi, my dear, Della., you really sound amazing.". Very old nacked woman.

I prefer petites. Book stores, parks, Starbucks? I will share more of what I'm looking for, & if we like what we see & think we'd click then we could meet somewhere for a casual drink no expectations etc.

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I take my time and enjoy trying new things. I don't like to fool other's or play head games.