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I'm here to make our time enjoyable. There is a high chance I will like what you have to offer for my time and attention!!! 34, muscular, blonde, blue eyes, looking for matching stamina and sex drive, Into lots of things. Hey, out here looking for some fun people to hit it off with and maybe something more regular if we hit it off. Husky naked latina and mexican women on tv adverts.

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Hopefully that happens in per as well as online! Civil young man seeks freaks in the sheets. I'm into pretty much everything. If you want to chat, meet and possibly enjoy some good times in the bedroom, reach out to me. Scottish guy just looking for some fun want to know more get in touch. Sexy full hot paly girls. I want a female that is not into playing games and is really serious about having amazing sex.

Just a friendly good conversations, be interesting, I'm not here for any expectations or promises as I already know what to expect.I'm here for simple sexual enjoyment and entertainment with like minded people.the don't fuck and tell I mean we are adults have some maturity about it all.I'm not hung ,but I work with enough if a dick is what you require by all means go fuck a.just saying.I'm shy and straight forward at the same time.i don't judge ,I'm not bi or bi sexual or bi curios. No pressure, no commitment. As far as I am concerned, the best place to have sex is where the warmth and the mood hits.Foreplay is underrated, I like good foreplay before going straight money Vista, CA to point.

I am not into huge age gaps. Then send me an introduction with why an ANR is right for you, I would like to have a little innocent fun on the side. People who arent drama!

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Looking for a man who takes control and wants to have mutual fun.
I take my time and enjoy trying new things. I don't like to fool other's or play head games.