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Been married and divorced twice, not going down that road again lol. Hi, I am here to meet an open-minded lady who is ready to have a good time , we are always looking for fun people to meet up with for dinner, drinks, and get to know some people with similar interests. She is confident and takes what she wants - she is you. Love to enjoy life, I travel a lot, but usually between Los Angeles and San Francisco, sometimes I have to go to New York, or go back to my company to take care of my business, and I need clarity because I know what I want I know what I need and I know what you are here for and I know you see my big beautiful boobs but that doesnt mean I dont like younger. I am a very loving, responsible man who appreciates every moment, every minute that gave us life.

IM me if you are online and want to chat. This is also not a humiliation situation, if you do not repect us both you will be shown the door. I'm tired of being treated like a one-night stand.
I have a few fantasies that am wanting.
I am a married man that works hard, stays in shape and in a non monogamous marriage.
I'm not really picky, don't believe in standards...have some spark, then we'll get along in Fun avenue .

I drink, i fight, i flirt, and i go home late. Attracted to bigger/stout/stocky men.
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We are seeking something short term to move long term if the right person in Grand Prairie pussy is out there. Im versatile, for those who dont know, means i can be either dom or sub, which ever you choose. Someone who enjoys having fun and is honest.

Vasectomy was done in 2018. Happy, safe fun to ALL!! And don't forget to bring your kinks. He must love the Lord with all of his heart,then I know he will love me with all his heart.

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Most of my friends describe me as pretty easy going, dependable / reliable.

I don't do random sex. I can be trusted even if things get pretty crazy. Ideal person or persons atm would be mf couples, and groups or single f, that actually like a single non pushy guy. I'm pretty simple.

I'm a fun and adventurous guy looking for the same. I am patient, passionate and New to this site as well and would to have a good taste of what it feels like...I Love nude, kissing, cuddling with another like minded married guy.. I'm on fet too with no numbers.

I'm very fit 49/yo male who is relaxed and the good businessman, husband, and father in public...with the naughty side, who likes to be in charge in bed really exciting.

I am an attractive, D/D free single man who is looking for some real quality sex, fun and good company.

I will send photos privately, if exchanged.

I take my time and enjoy trying new things. I don't like to fool other's or play head games.