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I am into movies, reading and listening to music. I am willing to cam 2 cam if those who are too far to drive or out of state and maybe meet one day in person, but needs to be planned out in advance. I can play very kinky, or very vanilla.. Lets be friends, Lets be good friends. I am currently training for a marathon.

Quite shy, but naughty. ~ I'll be gentle, very sentimental ~. I especially like to yield control to someone who knows what they want, but I'm not so keen on anything degrading, derogatory, or depriving. Just to give you some context, I'm 37 years old, 6'2", and weighs 215 pounds.

I have also been employed in commercial aviation and as a government lawyer. Nude black cury older women!!! I am in an open marriage. Maybe attract some flies cuz I think Im the shyit.

So I don't have a lot of free time due to work but I try in Keokuk, Iowa to make up for it in size, just need some fun in my area. I am very active and energetic. Athletic to a point she is not in the Gym morning noon and night. Naked hairy beach.

Someone who doesn't do drugs, especially marijuana.
My taste in music is widely varied, and I'll listen to anything once. I like to keep myself healthy and in shape. Always willing to try everything and anything at least once.
Hi, my name is Dylan & I'm a 29 year old Father who is currently going through a Divorce, so I am more interested in a FWB or fuck buddy where feelings don't get in the way.

I'm an executive at a tech startup. Always wanted to try two men too, so if you have Keokuk, Iowa a sunshine smile. Someone laid back and fun who likes to try new things and will do anything once, who I can enjoy beach BBQs with as much as dressing up for a night out at the club; if you're shallow and boring, do not apply!

Im 25, Im an outreach worker, looking to hookup and have fun. Easy going and not in a rush type person.

I am seeking a man who is genuine and sincere in both his words and emotions, and who is prepared for a committed, long-term relationship. We are open and free. You can read through my profile below and get how to locate me. Hit me up and let's see where the night takes us!

TALL BRUNETTE. Sex is very painful for her.

I just got Keokuk, Iowa out of a 20 year relationship. Been seperated a few years now. You ae grills pussy.

And I'm hopeful that she in Keokuk, Iowa will try a hot wife experience and share some photos of her adventures. I'm into personality more than looks. I am open to communication.
I take my time and enjoy trying new things. I don't like to fool other's or play head games.