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I'm looking to meet someone to have a lot of fun with! I'm open minded and free spirited and i've love to meet a woman who loves big dicks.

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Pretty laid back easy going guy, not looking for anything serious. Hmm...definitely hung.
Hi I'm 29 I'm fun very outgoing always up for a laugh :). I would love to start a FWB relationship with women of any ages no preferences for me. I am in an open situation but it never complicates things and I am discreet if I need to be.

I have large collections of dresses, high heels, panties, bras, stockings, pantyhose, lipsticks, etc. Single guys only. I'm not looking for anything Springville who fuck serious but if I met someone and there was chemistry, then i would be willing to try different things, and open to suggestions. I know what I want , age should be 55 and above , maturity matters alot. If I am looking for a guy and you are it, you will know. Hi my name is Randy and I am 36 looking for boyfriend to have sex go on a date and get married sometime day.

There isn't anything on a woman's body that makes her sexy; it is her MIND, confidence in her body, and her ability to use it that makes her sexy!.I luv single ladies too but not if you just want to talk. We are definitely a real profile!!!

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I take my time and enjoy trying new things. I don't like to fool other's or play head games.