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Like what you see send a message. I have no issues if you Painesville, OH are 420 friendly, I wont partake. In my defense, no I'm not a bum in a car. Ideally pretty face slim waist and a very big behind that is going give me sex all the time. I consider myself kinky but just depends on the individual. Hi im a very low key guy just looking for some fun some stress relief appreciate someone up-front no bs no games.

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If I put myself out there and you aren't interested, please be courteous enough to say so. Their resilience, intelligence, and unapologetic nature are virtues that resonate deeply with our organization's values.

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I can assure you that you won't be disappointed if you're looking for more than the average size... Your Pussy, will be filled with liquid and saying me don't stop, be more hard. Lol Rock on bitches!! Seeking someone with a great deal of flexibility, so if my profile is of interest, please get in touch with me if you want to chat Curvy BBW Latina looking to connect with an individual for passionate playtime. Women that give up sex. Although, truthfulness here, Ill most likely do that too.I am a nice guy, quiet at first, but warm up very quickly. Genuine loyal and honest, open minded to reality hope to meet someone on the same page.

Let's see I'm a fun loving guy. Sex in Fernley, Nevada. If you have questions please ask and see where this goes.
I take my time and enjoy trying new things. I don't like to fool other's or play head games.