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I have not changed my status because this site wants to charge me to change my status. Naked 50 and old. Hmu I do not pay for this site but still highly interested in you so please get ahold on FB Ken Beeman. Only interested in couples and females. A in Bakersfield, California few traits about me is I'm 6,2, muscular build, dominant and of course hung.

Whats meant to be will always be. I'm clean and expect the same. And enjoy full freedom of sexual pleasure at all times held in place. Looking for someone, who is good looking and clean to have occasional flings with nothing long term. I am looking to meet a good person to hang out with and see where it go from there. Say what you mean what is the worse that could happen they know the truth?

Don't want to change anyone's situation.Just meet new people and have fun.
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If you are a in Bakersfield, California BBC and interested in trying a BWC. My ideal girl is goofy and always ready for adventure, loving Rock and Indie music is definitely a plus.

Single, love to have fun with the right couple or guy. The lifestyle was so enticing and I such a novice. Lets explore ours together and have some great conversation. Looking for someone to enjoy the amazing things life has to offer. I have tried most things , but seek to find a person I can trust to take control of my body.

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I'm looking for a girlfriend that I can date until this summer I'm 21 years old I don't drive I born with grand ma seizures 3 years free I work at lowes as a stocker I also work as a special needs bus assistant I love video games hanging out with friends I like the woods and horror movies. I like going for walks photography watching movies and going out for drinks and trying new things in the area.
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In general, I can say that I am an easy person both in communication and in everyday life! Fitness professional who travels for training and leisure. Straight to the point, I'm on here for hook ups..NOT TO PLAY GAMES!!!!! If you're interested please let me know and we'll makew it happen. Women sex email. Happy to meet up for in Bakersfield, California a drink and seeing where we end up eh?
I take my time and enjoy trying new things. I don't like to fool other's or play head games.