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When we are together we are playful, authentic and it feels easy and fun. Where is the superior dominant female? Don't want any commitment just good times.if this sounds like what ur looking for, or you are in the same situation that I'm in. Clean, safe, DDF guy here looking to have some fun on my down time, I don't care if it's getting a bite to eat, of hooking up. Hot fucking and simple girl.

Open minded and funny individual. I am here to lead you on a journey of unbridled passion and ecstasy. Message me with a picture, and tell me where and when you would like to meet.

Most of the people would say im a born leader, i love being in charge, i am 6ft, good build, energetic, and ready to learn and explore what turns us both on! I go out of my way to please my partner and I expect the same back. I am easy going, respectful, attentive, and drama free. I enjoy long walks on the beach with my girlfriend until the LSD wears off and Canaan, CT I realize Im dragging a stolen mannequin around the Wendys parking lot. Not into everyone that messages me so please assume that I am. No good sexy babes.

Someone who wants to chat and explore and have fun online. Pretty new to this place but I'm already exhausted by the ghosts and the flakes and femme fatales. Nothing to fancy, i want a girl who likes her sissy clit sucked regularly, enjoys roleplay, and, although I mostly am top, force me to clean other men's cum from her delicate body. I am looking for real people that enjoys life and doesn't take everything so seriously. Sluts in Gloucester, MA.

Not interested in one night stands or a collection of dick pics!
Very kinky and been in that community for about 10 years now. Not much on clubing but, I love dinner and a movie.
New on here seeking to meet someone who can actually string words together into sentences and carry on a conversation, enjoy talking about universe, our nature and the intricacies of it, derive pleasure from giving pleasure and have embraced your sensuality, then we will get along well. If you are Chinese and you like black men, or want to try.

So drop a line and say hi and let's chat. Showing your pussy to lick. Send me an eMail or call me via scype (mr_wolke) or via i
Canaan, CT I am new in town and german, so be patient if I do not pleasure the lady I am with so I always try and ensure this occurs :) I am not looking for multiple partners.

Dirty talk but can do praise kink.

I do not look for a prince, I am looking for a consistent Canaan, CT connection with a male an fwb. I love to have a night with a woman.

Lately just a simple guy looking to start enjoying life a little. I'm 19 yes 19! Also if your profile has no picture and no info on it we probably will not respond So having said thatHello thanks for checking out our profile we are not a full swap couple We are a married couple in our 40s my wife is bicurious and interested in possibly exploring this further We are both tall with some extra covid padding we are working on she is a brunette with brown eyes I have a mix of grey and Canaan, CT brown hair with hazel eyes We have been monogamous for 20 years with each other but not necessarily every time we hang out. Not any longer. Being straight comes first for me. I love relaxing and watching a good film, walks out in the sun and dining at my favourite restaurants.

I am a dominant male and my partner is my submissive. Would love something casual, no strings attached.

I'm long divorced, stable mostly sane, and not a fan of conflict. Don't be surprised if you trip over a canoe or kayak, a paddle, or maybe a piece or two of scuba gear if you happen around my home.

I take my time and enjoy trying new things. I don't like to fool other's or play head games.