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Guess I should update this. Got you ;). I like giving very much and receiving as well.

The bible says a man is to love his wife as Christ loved the church, to me that means he should be willing to give his life for her.As a friend used to say God said it, I believe it, and that settles it good. I'm a divorced man, I have two who both live with their mum. Sluts in Manchester, CT. Good sense of humour, love a good laugh.

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I'm 5'11, blue eyes, brown hair with grey coming through (hard life! I'm very open minded and will try anything. I am single and I would really like to find people whom I can play with, I'm not looking for someone perfect cos I'm not.I want someone that will love me for who I am. Mean and scary sexy pussy cats on live on vidio sescy the man and girl hafe sex! Experienced couple interested in men who know how to appreciate and enjoy my sexuality.Let's turn our fantasies into reality and plunge into the world of continuous pleasure and enjoyment. Real People That actually want what we are here for.

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I take my time and enjoy trying new things. I don't like to fool other's or play head games.