Open minded to most things sexual that are safe... Swingers Saxonburg, PA. Very fat women for sex

I do not share body pics and I'm cool on dick picks. That's the dream anyway but really anyone who I can vibe well with and knows how to have a good time and can show me a good time. Somebody who wants to have a good time. So if you don't have a problem with ya then you can bet your ass you will be the first to know!! Let's set something up. I am 47 years old looking to have some fun.

0i just want a free spirited lady to spend some time with , dinners,movies, wkend dates and fun. Semi shy, but up front, personable, down to earth, sweet. Respectful, open-minded, and easy going mature couple. Ideal male nude body. We are looking for a man or men that are good with being watched while doing whatever to push my limits and possibly teach me things I haven't tried or thought of.

Just a vibe that gets along well with others I love going out and having fun with friends. I have never been married and no.

I love hitting the gym. Love giving Blow Jobs, Gangbangs & Facials.

I will always be loyal and caring.
Lots of dogs.

Hot and sexy, totally uninhibited and looking for mutual satisfaction and fun. Born and Raised in NY.
Like to no anything about me just ask I am a open book..... I like a guy to be sensitive, have a great sense of humor and also who is not on here for games nor naughty talks.a man who has a great sense of humor but also sexy . I'm the male half of a hot mid 30s couple in an open relationship we are into most things and love oral.

She was the love of my life. Attractive, fun, witty, and sexy.

Some that wants to meet and have fun. I need a woman to love on. I don't have Saxonburg, PA a girlfriend or wife. Looking to try new things including CNC, hotwife/Cuckhold and open to threesomes and other suggestions. Im very good looking, nice body, very hung and a very open mind. An uninhibited woman, London based or close to, who is free in the day and likes the nude scene too.

Gotta tickle my mind in order to tickle my fancy.

Whats thick on top and thick on bottom is also thick in the middle. Single swingers in Maine!!!

Im a fun, chill guy, laid back until it's time to play. Im 48 living in pembroke name is seeking no strings hookups discrete local good fun. Not much to say, contact me and ask me!!! Ugly fetish blog. Anything else u want to know, just ask. I like sucking dick ,I like dick in my ass ,I like screwing men in there ass and being sucked off.

Oh, that's Japanese cartoon for most people. Someone who can carry on conversation with an introvert (me). I'm a big fan. Horny peopel near hot girls and hips.
I take my time and enjoy trying new things. I don't like to fool other's or play head games.