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I just browsing for someone to get out there with. First and foremost I am looking to have fun!

My only free time is of a night as much of my fantasies as I can, send me a message (I think I can respond?), I promise I'm a human :). I wanna have some fun being single. I am bi and so have a fondness for a nice ass barely covered by a micro mini. I'm 34 years old and just moved to Calgary.
If there is anything more you wish to know, send me a message Kingsport, TN and let's talk.

I don't have a type, as long as you're a cute/sexy sub I will probably like you.
Let me know what i could do for you, what you could do for me, or what you would do to me and I'll mark your work x Updated April 2023 x.

Being single dad of 2 is my top priority. Happily married and want to stay that way. My pussy wide open. If that's you, leave me a message ;). I'm cute and sexy! No one night stands I love giving pleasure.

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Single, happy, healthy, clean, intelligent, good-looking, independent, and very horny. Have always wanted to play with a couple. Where to cum? I live Here and in Real Life! Its about you and me as people and whether we have a connection or not.

Everyone has something going for them. Lived a pretty vanilla sex life until recently. Hastings, MI nude girls. Trying to find some fun! I am looking for somebody that has a good sense of humor..

I am mature, respectful, responsible, and kind. Life is short so i Just want to have fun in my life as what I wanted in my life.

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I take my time and enjoy trying new things. I don't like to fool other's or play head games.