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I truly hope there is a nice lady who wants to be friends only. Cheating wives numbers Texas!!! If you want to contact me, just remember that I am a well balanced person who has it together.

I am basically a pleaser, want to watch and have some fun! Pretty vanilla, truth be told, but willing to please, so my ideal match is just someone looking to start slow and see where it goes?! I love seeing Reverse cowgirl, missionary or doggy style.

I am available at any time. A little about myself, I'm Texas moms a very sexual person, and have a dirty mind to match! Great sex with man ling. Clean and disease free.

Clean respectful and looking for Texas moms bbw couples and singles. To watch her bihusband fucking. Me: attractive, fit, successful, educated, hung and horny.
Well I play in peoples mouths for a living, so Im very knowledgeable in that specific area.

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I want someone older than me (age 23-100) who will let me ride and suck their cock, a man who will eat and please me. We are in a open relationship and have been for 16yrs, so not giving it up. Please be discreet and respectful of our situations, as I am.

Guys..please DO NOT send me your dirty emails. I'm an educator, so I'm not rich but I am a gentleman and know how to treat me right.. Just respect my boundaries. Lol you can find me on leolist. Looking for someone who enjoys going out and socialising..

Am predominately looking for fun. I work a 9-6 job on weekdays, and take a break during the weekends (which is when I'm available to meet someone).

I do have body pics to share if you want them. I pride myself on my accountability, my strong work ethic, my creativity, my ability to comfort and provide, and my ability to make people smile. I'm a freckle-faced redhead who is super easy going, patient, ride or die loyal, genuine, supportive, encouraging, nurturing, protective, affectionate, honest, and wanting to meet you in person. Bad girls tits milk.
Married man 49 yrs, shaved 7'' cock 28 waist 38 chest Only looking for someone in the same frame of mind.

If you are below that then move on.

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Socially I am more into a small group of people who know each other but do not mind larger scenes.

I take my time and enjoy trying new things. I don't like to fool other's or play head games.