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Would love to meet and connect with kind, consistent, and open minded people!

And I am not going to have a nude photo on here. If you are a slave/sub or a Domme/Mistress and would like to meet..Would love to find an FWB and make that a regular thing but new experiences never hurt either. I work out 6ish times a week.
Need to be open to trying new things.

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A couple and bi couple or females open-minded. I'm 43 yr old looking for fun. I dislike feeling that way but I understand how hard it is to trust someone.

I like open-minded person who's not quick to judge others. I will please you any way you like!
Well 39m looking to kill some time and see where it goes.

If we set a time to meet, I will not back out. I'm basically lonely!!! My wives first fucking with long and hard in my are phone number. We are not new to this, but are selective. I would like to meet someone who is also interested in me. Looking for fwb or nsa.

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I've been told that my lips and fingers before providing the next reward for your first pleasure with lots to share. Single BBW. Also, you do not need to send me pics of your package, (just like opening a x-mas gift on halloween. Local moms who swing. NSA sex also someone looking for a fwb. Be prepared to exchange a photo of yourself, and please don't bother to respond at all if you're not serious about meeting up or just bored and need to chat do not message me or it's an instablock.

In open to women of all ages. I am an introvert and have a difficulty conversing with others but ones we can to know each other I'll open right up. For purposes of privacy I didn't post a pic of my face because of not wanting to be noticed by ladies from outside of the uk, I have no interest in just chatting. Looking for sex Carbondale, PA.

Easy going, open to trying new things.
I take my time and enjoy trying new things. I don't like to fool other's or play head games.