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I'm still willing to give a lovely man a try. I have a few hangups because I'm not experienced with men, but I'd like to fix that. Not Looking for anything in return.

Let us know if you would like to get to know, just let me know. Enjoying each others company alone. Just moved here from Toronto, just looking for some fun since Peoria, Illinois I don't have much time for a serious relationship now just a casual good friend, but life is strange. Let's chat, maybe more?

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Im not against starting a relationship with the right guy. Naked old bot women. I'm married however I'm by myself most of the time. I love to laugh and flirt.

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Hi, I am easy going and like most things like coffee, walks and nature!! Drool..)..OK for all you guys and MM or MF couples who are now figureing your in like flynt. I can't see emails or profiles any more. Treat me right and I'll treat you better.

Love a woman wearing nylon. Im single looking for friends with benefits. 33yrs old and single looking for like minded soul, who is not interested in time wasting and is looking for a longterm relationship with a strong confidant man.. I am a 44 yr old male looking for women (18 to 40) to play with. Looking for hotplace -69.

Someone I would be able to have a beer with in public. Respectful of others and enjoy sessions that push boundaries. If you send a message. However, should the connection be made I would not walk away from one....Do not fear that which you do know know.... Open minded and exploring my sexuality. My name is Shelby I'm 24 what brings me here is I had a threesome with a guy and a girl and the whole time I was only focused on pleasing her I didn't care about the guy I loved pleasing her and her pleasing me I gotta a satisfaction that I've never gotten with a guy and I wanna explore this feeling more.

I'm a woman who is gentle, sweet, elegant and devoted to my future life partner. It is important for me to feel a deep emotional connection between me and my partner. What you see is what you get!! I'm looking for someone who would like to spend some time getting to know one another and see if we connect/vibe, and then maybe some fun can be achieved. My time is my own.

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I like older women as well, so don't be shy, message me! Not much into the bar scene any more.. Have been single for about four years after who i thought was my soulmate found a greener padock. I live with my parents in a big house in Maroubra NSW and am an only. Is there anybody out there want pussy? 420 friendly, looking for a little fun.

I am just looking into trying this once. Nsa hookups, dirty fun, anal, ATM, all the good stuff. Ok cummen meet me, and i'll tell ya more!
I take my time and enjoy trying new things. I don't like to fool other's or play head games.