Moved to the east coast for some years and now im back. Woman in Bryson City, NC wanting sex

I am young or just looking for something fun and ongoing without strings. Sexy females Massillon. Someone who's is as nice as me.

If you send me a blunt message without asking how my day was, trust, you will be deleted/blocked.

Not sure what to write here as this is my first time, I am not sure what my ideal person is.but someone who is patient understanding and a good teacher and lover.

Ask me anything & I'll answer honestly , I am very outgoing and love music all genres Being in the Midwest Im all about the lake life but my heart is at the beach Looking for that person who doesnt mind my competitiveness who loves all types of music being outdoors at a concert or around a fire Looking for a FWB situation not just a hookup Dont want anyone whos about the drama or playing games if you cant be open and honest ready City, NC wanting sex to have a great conversation. Open minded, open to trying new things. I'm looking for women who are in the same situation.

It is also the most beautiful language in the world, so my friends judge me that I am warm-hearted, tender, caring, feminine, humorous and thoughtful woman also very optimistic. I am friendly and easy to get along with, you should feel comfortable around me, as I should feel the same from you. Must get me too!

Love to meet new people, as I am very much a people pleaser. I am an open woman/man, looking for someone one to come play with my man or be fucked by him, while i watched or joined, its one of our fantasy.

In an open CNM/ENM Marriage. High sex drive and love to pleasure. I would like to have some naughty sensual fun with Married Women. I have my own place. Fun married couple looking to add fun in the bedroom. If I am on here I am partying and horned up looking for trouble.

I am also a bit old fashioned I enjoy seeing women in high heels and pantyhose with backseam.

I live with a supposed BF but I want to get out there more.

THICK, CURVY, BBW, CHUBBY, meat on the bone! I'm not looking for a serious relationship as I'm still healing from losing my wife, but I have lots of stuff I am trying to get over.

Hope to here City, NC wanting sex from you soon. Am apx.

Looking for a friendship that will be unique. Fun loving easy going looking for fun with a nice guy, respectfully and understandably, this isn't exactly the right place for what I want, but I never know! Looking for very relaxed, fun, sexual, adventurous, and non-dramatic encounters. Almost anything goes. Who knows, you may be able to change my mind on a thing or two. I hope to make friends with common interests, share life together and create good memories together.

A big guy who wants to experience the world and the women it offers but more of a giver then anything so come on down and experience true compassion all across yourself. Hi, just looking to fulfil some wants, try knew things and most have fun.

Am I cute? Looking for something casual and fwb. I'm here to find a good time. Reserved until you get to know me. And if you are a squirter and or multi-orgasmic you will definitely receive preferential treatment! Just tell me how you're feeling, don't be shy..I'm looking for a woman who looks after herself physically.
I take my time and enjoy trying new things. I don't like to fool other's or play head games.