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When I'm not working, you can find me by the beach sex Tamaqua especially during summer. Area pussy women. Just a little rusty. I don't do awkward well. Discretion is an absolute must.....

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Very flexible, but if it involves minors, species other than humans, or might possibly result in an embarrassing trip to the ER, I won't be interested.

Divorced after 21 years of marriage and now I'm looking to explore. I enjoy the simple things, keeping it easy and taking each opportunity as it comes. Showing me who the real bitch is. I like to fish but mostly enjoy the scenery catching is just a bonus. Lite erotica story. She must be fully on the same page and it's not one forcing the other into something they don't want to do. Message me and let's see where it goes!

22, chubby, BIIIGGG thighs/ass if you're into that;) looking for some nsa fun maybe more must be fun and easy to get on with personality. Love sucking and fucking in the woods. I am very oral and love going down on a lady and talking care of wants and needs. Would love to chat and hopefully meet a lady more local or at least same country..

TY for looking at out profile. I am dying to live out my fantasy of being with an mf couple, as the excitement builds, mm contact can happen. I look for the inner person which makes someone so much sexier no matter what they look like.
I take my time and enjoy trying new things. I don't like to fool other's or play head games.