Both photos were taken within the past few months. Women looking for sex in Dalton, GA

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I don't bite, unless your beautiful *Y* are near..

To me, traveling means somebody cute is dragging me out of the comfort of the day to day. Fuck hot moman. It's what I enjoy and love meeting new people and having good time make new friends.

I am a blank canvas waiting for the different paints to be used. I have enough stamina to go hiking then go back to the room and go all night long. Eugene casual encounters. I'm 5'6" tall, brown eyed, and black hair.

Looking for casual & serious relationship. I like to have a classy night out on the town & enjoy freedom in bed. Just looking around to see who catches my eye. Would like to meet a guy or two that are pretty sane, gay or bi, fit and willing to help me with my pee shyness.

Just a shyguy that is looking to have some fun. I'm looking for a respectful FWB. Nude women over 30 in El Cerrito. Younger or older are my favorites but it really doesnt matter! Some to chill with and smoke all day n night.

I'm a very passionate lover.
Now I am a single man again, and looking for new friends, lovers, and experiences. #new to this.
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It inspires me and makes me think that I live the day not in vain. Horny finish women. Just a foodie who loves to go on dates and find interesting conversations. , You can ask whatever you need to know and I'll be honest with your partners, that was my fault, I trusted to much. I am retired army and work at the VA currently. Between work and traveling I want to try to have sex with anyone else that can change. You ever need that chocolate I got you.

I'd love to just have fun and smoke.
And sex in Dalton, GA hopefully all that time together will lead to some sort of relationship in and out of the bedroom. All work and no play makes jack an enginerd!

I have enjoyed a few long-term arrangements with couples into the lifestyle. In the past I was a member of various couples and swingers clubs in NYC (Plato's Retreat, The Vault, Hells Fire Club, La Trapeeze, etc.) I am an active participant in the lifestyle and have attended several events in both Jersey and NYC. We are new here, looking for that special connection. Single guy 8"...but no sugar hunters pls...kick away! Just looking for fun because I get bored sometimes!

Hi..WE are a m/f bi COUPLE sex in Dalton, GA seeking thoses who love eating pussy, sucking cock and just plain old dirty dancing and sex all night long. On this dating site I am looking with high hopes for a man who is not so sure about staying that way.
I take my time and enjoy trying new things. I don't like to fool other's or play head games.