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Time wasted could be time focused on somewhere else. Fine a female for couple Lincoln, Nebraska.

Make sure to share, perhaps i can make these come true. And everything else. Once again we are NOT looing for single men! I'm fun, adventurous, and extremely open-minded.

Someone that's real and honest even if they may hurt you're feelings.

Someone that love the outdoors, I like camping and meeting new people. Jerking for women. I'm a standard member so I can not reply.

Active would be nice but not essential..Straight or bi, just someone nice who's looking for an older man.

Don't text me if you are not confident in yourself. She doesn't have to be loyal to solely me, or wait for me while I'm working for 2 or 3 weeks. Miss impressing with my cooking skills.

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Hi am called Kayna am new here looking for a soul mate and good fun as well.. It would be nice to find someone who can share in the joy of our victories, as well as stand by my side through the challenging moments.

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Looking to connect with similar minded men and see what we get into. IStrings are attached with me.

I refuse to cheat behind anyone's back.also I'm not willing to share. Someone who gives me freedom to do whatever I want to do. Therefore, in the relationship, I would not want to impact my professional life.

I'm 22 years old.
Someone that is close to my age or older as I am not one to hangout where all the high testosterone young men are that seem to always want to brawl. Let me try to break it down for ya.. Want to have fun with like minded people.
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I take my time and enjoy trying new things. I don't like to fool other's or play head games.