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Someone who isnt a 2 faced person and a dick head and thinks hes all that to women. Like to chill at home.and are fucking whatever.

Creating genuine, real memories is something that cannot be replaced, so let's do it together! I'm an eternal optimist that loves spontaneous adventures of all sorts and kinds. Always looking to try new things and make new friends and I love intimacy. Am new member here looking for a real bbc bull that likes to take charge in the bedroom! Lol or any part of your body you can show me.

I am calm and easy going person and im eager to find someone with the same energy. New to the southshore looking to meet new people and try new things.

I have been with someone.

I've been told that I'm funny, compassionate, caring, empathetic and generally a nice guy. My ideal person is someone who enjoys oral give an receive. Looking for simple fun, couples/females (I am straight but there is a beauty and kindness. I am looking for a chance to meet, and take the first step...because when the walk starts, usualy lot of things change....hate filing this form...find much better to have personal chat, and tell more, just as find out more...
Lets take it slow nd see how it goes flirt wit me chat wit me nd see what happens thanks x x x. Outside of the realm of kink, I'm a well-rounded individual who enjoys a range of activities.

More like a FWB or NSA type of relationship. Normal-ish;) A diverse range of interests. Give me a few minutes to charm you.

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I am always down for a hot sweaty fuck. Hey all a single 34 yr old who is a fucking kinky sex machine for you to watch or use. (Nov 25 is my last day of gold status.) I'm newly separated and looking for someone close of that location.i am over 60 y old but prefer younger man as 35 years old until 64 years old. I'm a mid 40's guy who likes meeting interesting new people, and not just in the bedroom either (although if that is all you want.If you are a couple, I will respect your relationship and boundaries. I am attached and my BF and I are looking for fun hot times with like minded people. Genuine, honest and a generous lover.
I take my time and enjoy trying new things. I don't like to fool other's or play head games.