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Fun, genuine, bright and not vulgar. Looking for between 30 to 41, happy to play, or with the right person date and see what happens. I am here because you need what has been denied you and your kind for many centuries. It'd be better just to ask what I'm interested in. Would any ladies like too have some fun please let me know if you're willing to meet I've lost over 150 pounds so far ladies I need more exercise can you help me out with that.

My is currently 3..?

Honesty is the most valuable attribute. Wife massage beach. I do like to Cross dress in sexy lingerie as my fetish...not a passable cd as in no wig or makeup. Master is straight and I am bisexual. Not looking for a serious relationship, just casual encounters or FWB.

But i do enjoy Galway tonight going out and enjoying life! Fortunately or unfortunately, I almost always find something attractive about a woman. I'm in an open relationship and I want someone I can fuck from time to time, I really like women.. I hope I can find a consistent solution. Hi im crystal and I've been taking natural curves for women for about 8 months and sofar it's given me a nice girly butt can't wait for my breast to start showing I really want them so badly. I enjoy experimenting sexually, traveling, and being spanked.

Not really looking for anything consistent or long term. Likeminded men or couples who desire NSA encounters.

If you see something you like in my eyes. Looking for someone crazy fun. A pulse is really my only requirement. Sexy and knows what a man wants.

Tattoos and piercings are a bonus x. Fairly conservative in everyday life and pretty straight as well.

6'2, joined to find a wholesome lady. I have two. Your satisfaction is what will satisfy me. I always smell good. I am a fun person who just likes to hang out and have a laugh.

I'm the Chandler of the group. Im happily married and in an open relationship, Ive never been a homewrecker and I dont plan on becoming one. I like wear girl clothes etc and have a nice booty. I am wanting to meet a guy, my partner will be present and may join in.

Only here to meet new people.

Anybody want to play? Someone thats not afraid of trying something new.
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Straight forward and to the point we are all adults. We have always wanted to try new sexual experiences with like minded friends. Couple sex in nature.

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I take my time and enjoy trying new things. I don't like to fool other's or play head games.