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Someone who is passionate sensual and caring. So i dare you!?

Discrete couple and would like to keep it real! A down-to-earth guy looking to have fun times and maybe sometimes have sex as well. I want to discover the things that in the night. I mean like if you just wanted to let me make you cum over and over again to put it plainly!

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I am searching for a life partner who will be caring and loving.
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Someone who isn't shy about who they are, loves to have fun, drama free, real, and super sexually freaky. AT THE MOMENT i'M NOT MEETING ANYONE IN PERSON. Likes out door sex & sometimes Public sex.

I'm here to have fun and id like to meet some cool people.

Discreet and honorable. Meet horny housew. If your looking for same let's grab lunch/ dinner or drinks and let's see where it goes.

AND she approves photos. I open to most people but not sure any of them are real.

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