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I am D&D free and expect the same in return I can trust a thief more than a lair! Im not interested in people who have been here for a very long time! 62 average guy.

Hi im an easy going fun lovin guy, like to meet new people and always up for fun and adventures. We are in pretty good shape been told im good looking normal no STDs no drugs her short petite message us.

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I am a fun caring man who loves the simple things in life , talk to me nice and be respectful........

Looking for someone with similar interests that is patient and easy going. Looking to hook up with people around my area! Thank You!

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Shallow, purely superficial, rude, and unkind people need not bother really is too short.

And excitment to my life. I am really hands on when it comes to women and love to caress and cuddles. Honest Gentleman with ethics looking for honest female who I can love and pamper.

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I take my time and enjoy trying new things. I don't like to fool other's or play head games.