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I work in College Station so, finding a playmate in that area could be easier to work out. You must be local and single.

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Im 48 yrs old live in cornwall and been on my own for about 1 year. 30-50 He's curious. I'm ok with guys, and what i mean by that is if you are a couple I'm ok with doing something.

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I own my own home & live alone, so hosting or visiting both are good. Hello, I am BICURIOUS trying to find an outgoing, smart, athletic woman to have my first experience :) very open minded and willing to try most anything that sounds fun. My ideal date is sitting out enjoying the sunset after a nice meal with a glass of wine talking and laughing before we engage in some beautiful nonjudgemental passion to end the night. I'm not changing my life,but rather looking to expand my horizons.

The most important sex Macon, GA features of my character are sexuality, kindness, honesty. I like bars and pubs over fine dining!

I'm seeking a no strings attached type of connection.

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Sexual couple or a happy woman thats looking for a no pressure couple to enjoy. I am looking for a specific type of woman, a woman with relatively small breasts who is slim to average for friendship and casual encounters..I also like masculine bi or gay men.I also like ftm or trans men.
Just out of a very toxic relationship for the last 2 and a half years.

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Honesty, trust, reliability, loving and caring, dosn't.

I'm just here to find new people to mess around with. 21yrs old from Austin tx born and raised and just looking to meet new friends and welcome all correspondence. Nothing serious just wanna have fun ready to try new things you only live once. Dk br eyes.. Im looking for someone or someones to help me fulfill my sexual desires and yours. We are a easy going friendly couple good looking and looking to have a sexy night with a couple looking for the same. Horny gils in amanzimtoti.
I take my time and enjoy trying new things. I don't like to fool other's or play head games.