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I can be a bit shy a first meet, but i do open up quickly once i get to know people.I have a great perality,always laughing and happy.cant be bothered with people who are into mind games or get off being cruel to others.Not looking for a player for safe role playing fun I like privacy and discretion I like to face time and send photos Happy to use other media but you will be discreet as I will be too You will need to explore the rest and the depths of you fantasies. So everything on the table, i am going through something personal and also therefore not emotionally available.. I love reading different books. I'm looking for a partner not a girlfriend.

I'm looking for a woman who likes women.

If you lie to me, we are done. Hi I'm originally from the island of Tahiti and relocated to Australia. Mature ole over50 fat sex. Doesn't have the word no in their vocabulary. I'd say we can make some great memories regardless of age or distance.

Don't worry i will explain when you ask me personally. - No Expectations, No Disappointments. I need someone who wants to take care of you especially if your stationed far from your family. No Fakes, No Liars, Just Real! K_k at the same name. Woman with man seran wrapped.

I'm looking for someone who wants to experience more of what this lifestyle has to offer. Former amateur boxer (for charity).Firm believer animals are better than people. I am attach looking to play we play together we love sex and with others. If things get serious then so be it... I like to meet with singles or couples but prefer to stay away from M-to-M contact.

My ideal person is a woman or a couple would be nice to have some fun and want to help each other out in difficult ways. Someone who sees a FWB arrangement as just that - "Friends" and "Benefits". NYC white women meet new sex position to lick your wife.
They are open with motivation to get together...female male it dont matter I enjoy them both the same.flyingfish6969 is where. Ideally a long term ongoing situation, but open to ideas.
Are you my new sex toy? With that out of the way, I'm looking for either a FWB situation, or just NSA discreet fun with good vibes.

Someone who knows exactly what they want, and take it.. In case you like that sort of thing. I am a giving and I love to be pleasured orally.

Older but young at heart and mind.

Not interested in scammers so please don't bother, I'm here for some fun and Rockford, Illinois I'm willing to try new things. Hardcore full with moms friends. They must be nuts.
Oh, and a causal meet up or repeat meets, oral ,fuck an attractive stranger, bandy legged walk home is good too x. Hey there, I'm just looking to have some fun - My hobbies include dancing, painting, poetry, hiking, reading, & traveling.

I am on this site for me to have fun. I am looking for bisexual women. Fwb nothing more nothing less. To whom it may concern, I am a lady who looks beyond what may be the obvious.

I really enjoy the thrill of being naughty and loves cock, cum & everything in between. Naked wives in Dayton. Ask me...I'll tell you anything you wanna know. I like to do pretty much anything in & out of the bedroom. Are you a sensual young lady seeking an experienced touch Your boyfriend can39t seem to pleasure you Rockford, Illinois enough Or are you an older woman who just needs a good cocksucker from time to time.
I just love my sex. But happy to travel out far :).

Fun, Open, Honest and proper naughty bloke. Im very discreet and Rockford, Illinois can keep things private between us. Phone number horny milf wives living naked for cream.
I take my time and enjoy trying new things. I don't like to fool other's or play head games.