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It happened) #openminded y'all. Looking to meet a mature man I can love and spend the rest of my life with him..A man who will always be there when I need it. Newly single but experienced in the lifestyle, I do not attend lifestyle events, I do not go to the clubs, and I do not respond its either I cannot read it on private message or dont have enough points on instant message.

Someone fun and down to chill. Someone clean and serious about playing- will answer all messages. Update- If you are chatting with me and decide to give me a try and the photos i post is so there is no drama.
Man fucks marepussy. I want the same in return.

And possibly barefoot, I do give a killer massage. I'm as virile now as I was 20 years ago, but with twice the experience. I'm open to most opportunities but I do like a good sense of humour. Looking to go out and meet for drinks and play the night away.

Looking for someone who does'nt want to change me . I love to eat, whether it's food, ass, or pussy.

Hi my name is Ian and I am bi looking to meet new people and have some fun, possibly fwb.

We never know:)). Black guy looking for no string attached fun.

Looking for the right man to show me how to be a good girl if you have the right energy. I have a great imagination and I can bring out your deepest and darkest desires. Any questions just message me and ask.

So lets meet have fun get to know each other and make this friendship in to a Great opportunity that we never thought of or ever Dream of?

We are very clean, drug and disease free. Threesome 4real swinger. Easy going like to have fun.

I'm a very deep and loyal girl.
I am not a fitness freak but walk a lot and go cycling when the sun's out... Women who say fuck in any function. Easy going and laid back and enjoying the good times. Hey I am a 40 something borderline sex addicted straight open minded respectful easy going tall skinny white guy who aims to please.

I'm looking for a lipstick girly girl woman. I also wouldnt mind some hot lesbian sex also ;) maybe a threesome? I love nature I am very affectionate and I believe in love. I have a little foot fetish I can suck your toes to make you feel good and appreciated. Romantic fat women fuck.

I only play responsibly and I expect others to as well. I'm looking for some people to have some uninhibited fun with. Discreet personals Hopkinsville, KY.

Fun-loving, geeky chubby bear enjoying life and all that comes with it. Me open minded drama free looking to meet good fun people and see where it all goes !! I am separed mainly caring for two teens and two dogs and a house hold, run my own small business from home, spend most of my time in London, and weekends in Essex.
Just the one FWB would be great. I love to travel, be active, and have fun.
Woman that loves big loads, love giving and receiving oral.
I take my time and enjoy trying new things. I don't like to fool other's or play head games.