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First and foremost, I'd like to let it be known that I am a so you have an idea of why Im here. I am a voracious reader, bit of a logophile and HUGE science nerd! I feel reciprocity - I will open up like a flower and I need a man that can make me hot... I work in film and television and have no time for the bar scene...I work long hours and just need a FWB or a good woman to share my life with Although I may not be your cup of tea shoot me msg.
As the title states, I am recently separated after being loyal to someone for 30 years. Or in staying ( bedroom )...Fun people.

Let me know what you think x.

Gentleman that wants partner in crime, travel, dinners. I can be crude and vulgar at times, not for the faint hearted. I'm a leaning leftie. Do girls like electro stimulation!!!

Hopefully someone experienced as well, even though I don't mind teaching the ropes from time to time, it's more of a turn on for you that yay.

Looking to explore group sex. Age Is Just A Number. We are young and fun and want to do so on a regular basis. I'm a 21 year old goddess looking to connect and meet new subs. New pic's coming soon.

I am single, and in Killeen, Texas live near Dawson City, in the Klondike. I'm 6'2" and 290 but strong I'm looking for a girl who can help out with my needs and keep up with the fun.

Don't really have one. I like spending time outside, cooking new dishes, and reading. I give great head and want to be heard...after years of never feeling heard I'll be happy Killeen, Texas to enjoy some conversation! I'm a fun guy down to get freaky I smoke a little.

Kinksters go to the top of the list! You may not like curvy bigger women and thats okay.

I'm a pretty laid-back guy, looking for excitement and passion in the bedroom! Pussy massage with pissing guys! I would like to experiment with my bi-curious side, although it's not a requirement. Let me be transparent.

I'm very good a spanking and impact play.
I am real, how about you?!?!

Married man 49 yrs, shaved 7'' cock 28 waist 38 chest Killeen, Texas Only looking for someone in to some of the more mysterious/curious types.
I hate to disappoint there, but I just like to know that at least SOMEBODY is getting off on it.
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I'm determined, independent and I know what I am looking for in a person or couple to hangout with. Pussy in Groton. I am open to all types of people.
5 foot 11 well built athetic and easy going enjoy sports of all kinds.

Ideally wanting LTR but in the meantime in Killeen, Texas I'm open to dating and fun. I am blunt and will not filter my thoughts. Don't care about race, or age (within reason), or body type. I have realized that there is a moment at night, just before you fall asleep, when you are truly alone with your thoughts and you see yourself without the facade you put on for the world, you see yourself truly naked.

Great expectations El Paso to. Open minded, bubbly and keen a keen listener. I am a 38yr old male military veteran, who just got out of a 12yr marriage.

I take my time and enjoy trying new things. I don't like to fool other's or play head games.