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I'm fun funny adventurous open minded compassionate financially stable...Ready to have some fun and help one of you ladies have the time of your life lets see if you apply! Any kind of sex preferably real but phone, video or cyber are fun too!

Not looking for one night stands more of an ongoing friendship. Need new life sytle because current situationlook like will bring worst.

Some many married men go fick off. Swinger Schertz, TX.
Don't bother with me at all! I immerse in Nature's wild ferocity and calming stillness, not just usual "outdoor" pursuits, but properly feel it's power and energy. I want to share hobbies and interests of my partner.
Due to some medical issues he is limited to things but loves to watch me being pleased and fucked with a hard cock. Someone fun without all the hang ups.

I like all sort of outdoor activities, ice skating, skate boarding, biking, and have been trying more whenever I have the chance. Open to many different types and ages. Weekends are possible though. If you are interested in a specific area of body being focused on, then let me know. Just wanna have fun honesty is a really big deal for me no narcissist please. Lingerie is a must.

So lets have some fun! I have been fortunate enough to visit some of the most beautiful places in the world, but I'm always looking for my next adventure. I respect people on the other side each connection. Fucking slut wife.
Be captivated by my inviting curves, warm welcoming pearly smile, sexy alluring brown eyes.
My ideal woman is confident and secure in themselves and what they like.

I'm new to Houston so I'm looking for someone else. Heya (: I'm 27 and I work over night security. Willing to try different things even sexually. A willing woman and try to accept everything that my fantasy inspires me. Mainly looking for fwb/nsa fun with no dramas.

Explore new cities and places and dives. I would like to develop a possible friendship for regular sexual encounters.

Hi,single 59yr old guy iso others who are mindlike and open.Kissing is a serious turn on for me hope it is for you as well.I'm 5'9",160, live alone and can host in my private home or travel.

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Very Easy going professional SWM in saskatoon looking to expand his friend circle and see where it may take me. Just a normal guy, looking for a normal woman, don't mind a pinch of crazy. Seeking a witty, fun, intelligent, generous, discreet nsa relationship.

Free pussy in Wildwood, FL 34785. Hot, sexy and a bit of a trouble maker, I like to joke and surround myself with the kind of woman i am.I love to be sincere about my words as i don't have any hiding agendas. Degreed professional looking for FWB. If you are into BDSM and looking for a slave, or if you are just looking for a bank account..i'm not interested at all...i'm here for real meeting with real women...
I take my time and enjoy trying new things. I don't like to fool other's or play head games.