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Sexually adventurous and discreet..You should want to explore sensuous desires and enjoy some quality time..PS: Good manners and a positive attitude are paramount. (i will send you a pic of me apon some conversation as i like to live life to the full.Very easy going and do not judge people.
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I am Dominant, so idealy I would want someone submissive, eagar to explore her sexuality, and someone who enjoys being dressed up and shown off.
I'm a married bisexual man that loves dressing up in women's silk and satin button up blouses and women black pinstripe dress slacks with silk neckties and suck off alot of big thick cocks with flavored condoms and also use a whole bottle of chocolate and strawberry syrups on cocks usually when I get two men at the same time enjoys staying in all day. Hi, I am an attractive, clean, Male looking for an attractive female in Thailand, Vietnam, Malaysia, Indonesia or Singapore. I'm a kind-hearted and sweet woman. I am a woman with lots of love to give 17 stone but pretty fit love to laugh and gentlle enjoy good company walking holding hands and still kiss in public at my age so come and say hello very clean own place n car.
I take my time and enjoy trying new things. I don't like to fool other's or play head games.