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I am a good cook, and an all around fun per to hang with. That is what this is all about!! Just looking for drama free fun with like minded people. Oil ledi vegaina.

The truth is that I do not have any preferences to Size, Shape, Religion or Gender. Love to chill, I spent way to much of my life going 80+ hour weeks, and enjoy whats around me.

Married couple seeks real couples and/or females around our age or older, if you're bi that's even better. Hairy lockal moms. I'm retired in Newberry, SC and looking for some companionship and fun...let's see where it goes from there.

Single dad looking for some adult fun when in the mood.

Im an easy down to earth kinda guy that's looking for a female to a female so that means we all better have sex?! I am however looking for a woman whose got a wicked wit, sharp tongue and a pocket full of mdma & Viagra... I am just a guy who wants to have fun. I have a good collection of books and I consider collecting a good hobby.

I'm a fun person to be around with, great sense of humor and are easy going likeable people.

Do have a professional vanilla life, thus I am very discreet but still a real person. Someone for a relationship, loving, romantic,caring with a great sense of humour and love to laugh at everything. I am so in Newberry, SC would respect it if you are too. Life is what you make it. I enjoy eating pussy while being fucked also.
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I am kind, reasonably adventurous and most importantly trustworthy and respectful.

Someone who respects my need for discretion, communicates clearly, does not play games that waste time and can be upfront about expectations and preferences. A girl that can take me out of my shell.

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I desire a relationship, but hate the dating, so I lack in the bedroom as a result. I prefer younger but honestly with how freaky I am, I'll fuck anybody. Someone that wants to try things in a safe and relaxed environment.

I'm a single male with my shit together. Am honest not judgmental always on time love to listen never let go and never stop till you are completely satisfy.

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Red Deer man looking for similar minded people. Im that kinda girl who can be you lil' slut, a good friend, listen about your girl problems, and yeah, just kick it. I enjoy taking a bit of time to get to know someone. I am a hopeless romantic. Ideal person is chilled and relaxed attitude, fun and great sense of humour yet able to be compassionate and caring with a good sense of humour, honest,.

I don't reply to contact from profiles without pics at all. I'm hoping to find someone who's in Newberry, SC also polyamorous.
LAID BACK , EASY GOING, FRIENDLY,HORNY. Long dark hair who can laugh. Laid back, fun to be around, and not pushy.

I am very outgoing, sweet in everyway.
Can open to MMF situation but really depends.
I take my time and enjoy trying new things. I don't like to fool other's or play head games.