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There's nothing wrong with wanting to succeed; in fact, I think it says much more about a person who is true to me, and Jackson, CA create a happy family with beloved per, who can give me sincere feelings, caring and respect and I do not think that is going to change any time soon. Dont be shy drop me a line. I enjoy watching movies, both at home and/or the theater,I enjoy listening to music (almost all kinds but mostly country) I also love to fuck someone while watching their tits or dick slap around I do love big breast nipples or both. Not gettin much at home. Big legged woman galleries.

In a perfect scenario our ideal lady would be confident and able to put us both at ease and then take the Jackson, CA lead in circumstances.
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I gotta lil' cushion for the pushin'!

Someone who loves to tell me what they are & we'll bring them to reality. Drinks is fine. I am well mannered and good to be around. Easy Jackson, CA going open minded likes to have fun.

People who are authentic and unapologetic for who they are.
I want to be able to enjoy my life with someone who isn't afraid to step out of there comfort zone not meaning sexually just in general like go to the other side of the world just to have the experience someone who is casual and generally friendly. Fat women master bateing. Not here for mind games or fakes, just out trying to find some fun and happy times.
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It's been to long.

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My primary attraction is to women. Gonna give this site about 2 or 3 months to see how it goes Thanks for reading. Looking for women or couples to share in this wonderful life! I am a pantysissy / boywannabegirl and I wear panties and bra everyday. Someone thats laid back and chilled, they enjoy outdoors and go with the flow.

I have absolutely no idea what I'm looking for. You cannot judge me because you are here to explore your passions and desires, have unfulfilled fantasies , the chance to explore.
Feel free to say hello if you're not a single guy.
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I take my time and enjoy trying new things. I don't like to fool other's or play head games.