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Having a sense of humour is important to me. Fun loving couple looking to spice up the bed room and meet new friends. Can enjoy a quiet afternoon simply enjoying the warm presence of another; just cuddling, etc. I am looking for friends in and out of bed would be ideal but not necessary.

Sexfuck hold wet in saving deep. Single t op in grants pass like to be naughty, like it when fmelae fucks w me wiht a strap on ;like 3ways couples c and cukolds.

I am asian, short, big fake boobs and a butt. I also like Spring Hill, FL the outdoors, hot tubs, etc. Into a variety of things so hit us up!!

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Before getting invites for sex. I like to sell my panties it's a turn on.

Friendly, funny are a good place to start.. I am married, but I also enjoy cheating on my husband and letting my for a little bit of pleasure!
I like music and OLD punk rock. Lonely wives in KS. I love giving a woman oral, till she comes then sliding in, always better after they have cum already.

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I like all women with different body shapes. I'm an athletic guy who is looking for an older woman at least older than me Im a young professional so Im not looking for a sugar mama nor am I looking to change a couple's situation either.

That starts with Spring Hill, FL a healthy dose of honesty. Average build blonde guy.

I like to get to know who I'm friends with before the meeting. I have no clue what i am going to do in the future but there,s no rush, ask me about them. My situation does dictate the need for discretion, safety, and mutual respect for boundaries..Someone open to experimentation abut also someone who can communicate openly..Kind people are sexy.

I don't give out my # so don't ask sorry.I'm sorry I don't host or travel far or well I have anxiety. I am a nice guy looking to meet other guys or groups of guys for regular sex and/or adventures. Sex ready to fuck. I love hookupd. NSA/FWB is what I want.
I take my time and enjoy trying new things. I don't like to fool other's or play head games.