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I'm simple guy want to explore curiosity lol. I think I should mention that at one time I gathered and organized a small coven of 4 ladies with guest men, if any of you ladies are interested in that. I needed control in my life and once there, it became clear to me that I needed more than just control over my own life.. Hamam erotic massage blog. Has to be open, honest and looking for like minded folk.

My Ideal female, is adventurous and easy on the eyes, she must enjoy Naked and Afraid, and detest any reality shows lol. Finale of real housewives tits Ft. I'm very picky so don't expect me to be interested if you aren't attractive, extremely fit (no Woodbridge sexy beer bellies,) clean shaven, and in my desired age range. I enjoy open and interesting people. Hopefully from there all will flow freely with fun and love and laughter.

I'm interested in new experiences. I do not do random adds,if you do not talk in any medium on here----no add.thank you. Someone not shy and knows what she wants. Great kisser and enjoy cuddling. Luv sports, outdoors, humorous, easy 2 talk 2. I like to engage in good conversation first and see if there is that Woodbridge sexy hot connection.

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Well i did have something here but seems its gone so i have to start a single mom who works hard does not have a lot of friends that I can have over in order to learn and gain experience. Shows you have dedication and loyalty to your character. Here to be your champ and hold you with my big hands.

But if you have evenings free, I'd love to sample some local flavors. Me: attractive, fit, successful, educated, hung and horny.
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A woman that enjoys living life and likes to go out and have fun not just a fuck and go.

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I take my time and enjoy trying new things. I don't like to fool other's or play head games.