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Just a cool guy looking for someone special. I'm the type who's willing times Porterville, CA 93257 to go fast with the body, slow with the soul.

Mexican loves big butt woman aways up for anything having a good time dinner ,movies walks on the beach stuff like that. Fit, fun and dirty please. I would love to find an older milf for nsa fun. And asking for a quick fuck gets an immediate delete of your message .

But that's probably not enough to bring us together. Ok..In my free time, I enjoy antiquing, camping, dinning out, listening to music,shopping,amusement parks, art galleries,beach, ,coffeehouses, comedy clubs, concerts, dances , live theater, movies, museums. Must need to say must be after nsa fun. Fit females or couples around my age or older, it depends mostly on our chemistry. Just hard for me to believe that there are not very many men out there that don't want to take advantage of a REAL CUM HUNGRY COCKSUCKER, that is discreet and doesn't want anything in return. Free voyueristic adverts.

Looking to be dominated by strong confident experienced BBC We want long and thick Must have experience with Cuckold My husband loves to watch me get fucked and dominated I am a sexy submissive women who loves to please and explore sexually. Married but unsatisfied x need the spark to be reignited in my life.

Masculine GWM looking to meet discrete men for NSA play.

Ready to hang with another hottie and just play and make-out....drink some wine....and be totally sexy,...maybe in hot outfits if we want.,..harmless stuff....but hot as hell...hahaha....let's do this. For example, sweet words, compliments, tender hands. Wife black adventure. Luv sandboardin, spendin time on our quads, bodysurfin and 4wdin at the beach..
Really into an all-natural, unshaved with no tats, retro - vintage type of look on a woman. 26 Irish but based mainly in the UK, travel frequently so location is flexible im very easy going. Not into drugs, and I cant have , so if you want.

Back in a Cuckold situation and now looking for men serious ones who fit the bill. Someone who'll tempt me to do bad things. Yes I still have a sex drive and not looking for someone who fuck and messes around.
Have a few drinks together I'm after a regular buddy. Lonely booty friend. I'm looking for something on going, not looking to meet with a couple who want t watch me pleasure both.

I don't mind so much if you're religious or spiritual, respect my beliefs and you can keep being wrong about yours. Possible dates and with no complications.

I really hope to meet some fun people and see where things lead, possibly fool times Porterville, CA 93257 around. If we become friends, great, if we become fantastic lovers, even better. I am part of a couple who is looking for either a good time( not with jus anyone) or a gf to build with.

I'm eager to listen and connect with you! I am not looking for anything on here at the moment......just chatting with my friends. I'm really open so just hit me up and say hi, maybe we can find a common ground to play on!
About be with someone, it is to give and get a great time.

I'm in to art and photography.
I want to make this known i am married and yesss wife is aware and yes she has access to this profile and at time will be on to chat if needed as this seems to be a issue with some but theres open dialogue on this end so no need to be rude or hurtful. I am hear to hv sm me on IM........can I get some points to continue plsssss.
Horny girls from Calexico city. If your kinky and want fun talk have pictures and fun ways of getting to know eachother here and see if we clk. If the chemistry is right.
I take my time and enjoy trying new things. I don't like to fool other's or play head games.